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Pregnancy Related Pelvic Pain

Pregnancy adds on a lot of new experience to the womanhood. You embrace motherhood right after you develop foetus in your womb. No one around you can feel or understand your unborn baby as much as you can. With lot of unforgettable experiences, pregnancy also brings in lot of physical changes and challenges for you. There are certain challenges that you may experience during your pregnancy, but if not treated at the right time, it can turn out to be one of your greatest nightmares. You may experience pain in different parts of your body during your pregnancy due to the fact that your body undergoes a change. One such pain that you may experience during pregnancy is pelvic girdle pain or PGP. It is also referred as pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain or symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) and it can be diagnosed through pelvic floor physiotherapy in Hamilton.

So, what is pelvic girdle pain? And how does it affect your pregnancy? Basically, pelvic girdle is a ring bone around your body, located at the bottom of your spine. The pain can either occur in front or at the back of your pelvis that can also cause pain in areas such as hip or thigh. PGP is caused when your pelvic joints are stiffed or move unevenly at back or front of your pelvis. The three joints in your pelvis work together and when a baby grows in your womb, the extra weight you carry and the change that comes in your sitting and standing posture put strain on your pelvis, hence, causing PGP.

You should be at ease, pelvic girdle pain will not harm your baby, however it can be a very painful experience for you and you need treat it through pelvic floor physiotherapy in Hamilton, in the right time. The symptoms of PGP are quite inter-related to your pelvis joint pain. If you are experiencing PGP then you may experience pain in your lower back, hip, thighs and your knees, clicking in your pelvic area is also a symptom, and the pain gets worse when you are rolling over bed, prolong standing, stressing too much on your pelvis joint.

Just like any other medical condition, PGP can also be diagnosed without harming your baby. Usually, the PGP is treated through pelvic floor physiotherapy in Hamilton and it is the safest way to diagnose it. Once your baby is born and you are still going through PGP, the question arises that should you breastfeed your baby or not? While most of the healthcare professional or midwives must have told you not to do it as it may further increase the pain, but the new study shows that breastfeeding does not determine your PGP, rather it is beneficial in the treatment. The study concludes “Among women with pelvic girdle pain, breastfeeding should be encouraged in accordance with the existing child-feeding recommendations.” So, if you wish to breastfeed your baby, no reason should stop you.

Physiotherapy is seen as the best treat option to treat PGP in pregnancy. When you visit your physiotherapist or health care professional, they will recommend you set of exercises that will help you in treating PGP, one such exercise is pelvic floor physiotherapy. Pelvic floor physiotherapy in Hamilton is proven to be one of the best options for pregnant women experiencing PGP, as it helps your body to cope up with the growing weight of your baby. Hence, physiotherapy can be really helpful in treating your pelvic girdle pain without causing any harm to your baby.

You must follow certain guidelines to manage your body posture in pregnancy like when you stand you should keep the body weight evenly on both the legs and avoid your hips slide forward. When you sit on a chair your back should take a support of a rolled towel and use a footstool as well. While you sleep, you may use a large pillow to support your knees and a pillow under your top arm can avoid twisting. There are certain other guidelines that you can follow up, recommended by your physiotherapist or healthcare professional. The Pelvic girdle pain should not panic you as 1 out of 5 pregnant women experience it; all that is necessary is to have the right treatment at the right time because your pregnancy should be the happiest experience for you. Have a happy pregnancy.